Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cycles and Circles of Life

The leaves are beginning their transition from green to hues of golden, orange, and red. Our color is somewhat diminished by the lack of rain. My herbs have produced profusely, and it is now time to remove the plants which are finished. I have planted more of that wonderful Salad Bowl lettuce and I also planted some cluster onions which a friend gave me. I think they are yellow potato onions.

This time of year is always bittersweet - I am taking out the plants which are dead or dying, and will lose more in a few days with the first frost. I am also planting some herbs which will Winter over, and preparing my herb garden for Spring plantings.

It is time to establish my Kitchen Witch window garden. I must select the herbs I will need to grow in my kitchen window. In the Spring, they will be ready to transplant in the full, warm sunshine of Spring and Summer.

Lovely Cycles and Circles of Life!
