Saturday, September 5, 2009

End of a Season

Autumn in the Herb Garden

For many of us, this time of year is always such a mix of sadness and anticipation - the vegetable garden has almost stopped producing, the trees are losing their leaves, and the flowers have mostly gone away. But, there is much work to be done and we can anticipate the excitement and pleasure of the coming Spring. .

Many herbs live through the Winter here in the Foothills - among them are chives, garlic, onions, chervil, sage, fennel, angelica, tarragon, thyme, lemon balm, lovage, oregano, anise, hyssop, sweet marjoram, and many, many more. Check with your nursery, or read the seed package for hardy herbs. Better yet - buy your very own herb book from the many selections available.

When the frosts begin, I protect whatever possible so that I can harvest into late Autumn. I pot some herbs, placing them in my kitchen, or on a basement windowsill, for use during the Winter.

Be sure to clear old growth. lifting and dividing clumps, replanting rooted plants, removing dry flowerheads or leaving them as forage for the birds.

Purchase a good herbal gardening book. I have several very old ones, and I am sure there are many new ones which have an improved approach to gardening.

Herbs make your food taste great and your home smell delightful. Plant them and use them!
